Saturday, October 28, 2006

Random Ramblings

I finally got this post up. I was at it for an hour last night and blogger refused to publish the damn thing
I haven’t posted for a long time, mainly because I’ve been running around getting ready for the big move to Bangalore. There’s so much to be done, so much to take care of, most importantly there was the question of sending the money for the course. Naturally the more important something is the greater tendency there is for someone to try to fuck it up for you. First my wonderful bank, refused to approve the signature I had used on my cheques. To sort it out, I had to spend a day running between different branches of the bank, before they finally showed me what my signature should look like. Then the courier company, to whom I had entrusted the hard-won demand draft, kept me guessing by taking over a week to deliver it.
Just after the first draft had reached, I needed to send a second one out, again the banks refused to help me out, their computer networks were on the fritz and again I was shuttled between branches before someone finally made out the draft for me.
In between all this, friends who have ignored me for the six months I was in Delhi with nothing to do suddenly want to meet up, as a result I alternated between getting hammered and arguing with difficult bank tellers who seem to live just to make my life miserable.
Next thing on my to-do list now that my major financial and social obligations were taken care of was to actually book my ticket to go there. Normally this would be a no-brainer and I’d just sit at my computer and book an airline ticket in five minutes but since I’m going to have to carry a lot more than 15kgs (the allowed limit), I had to get in a long queue to get the train ticket. Train lines are really irritating; first there are the smart-asses who try to jump the line, then the people who insist on spending their time screaming into their cell phones and to top it off there are the ones who insist on standing right next to you, touching you. The other line always seems to move faster than the one you are in and when you switch lines, your new line suddenly slows down. Then there are those wonderful individuals who sit behind their plexi-glass screens, who somehow never have any change.
Me: ”How much is the ticket?”
Irritating Man: “fifteen hundred and twenty three rupees”
I give him three five hundreds and a fifty, he throws the fifty back in my face, “no change”
I have to go about a kilometre to the nearest shop to get change, luckily twenty-three bucks is exactly how much change I get back on a pack of fags.
After the drafts and ticket are taken care off, shopping is the next priority. I buy clothes once year and I never actually buy as much as I need. As a result I lived in college off an average of 3 pairs of jeans and a few assorted T-shirts. Now, a limited wardrobe necessitates regular washing and since I had to wash my clothes myself, by the end of the year most of my clothes would be shredded. Shopping is something I can’t stand, I feel uncomfortable buying anything and what’ makes it worse is that those irritating attendants always guilt-trip me into buying stuff I don’t like. Most of what I buy is on impulse and either doesn’t fit or falls apart after the first wash.
The one thing that I have to do, which I look forward to is selling my bike. I have only had it for two years, I bought her second-hand in college, but she is easily my favourite possession. I learnt to drive on her, I first experienced true freedom on her, freedom from cheating rickshaw drivers, from irregular bus time—tables, she affected my life profoundly. Despite being thirsty for fuel, expensive to maintain and a pain to drive sometimes, she still is fun as hell.
There is still a lot of shit to be taken care off before I leave and I still don’t understand how I am going to be able to manage it all because I’ve (for maybe the tenth time this year) decided to quit smoking. It’s something I try on a very regular basis and most of the time I cant manage it beyond about 5 or 6 hours. Right now my head is swimming and the keyboard is zooming in and out, so I think I’ll quit before I lose consciousness.

Something funny- the powers to be at google have decided to show me a little favour and are sending a few searches my way, but what searches they are, here are a few key words that are leading people my way;

malyali porn (Google)
tamil movie ah..aha (Google)
South indian bathing aunties (Google) [!!! wtf. !!!]
JNU+campaign (Google)
Rajnikanth bullet scenes (Google)
export companies culture about us in indain company (Google)
bianca castiafore beauty past compare (Google)
two people were disappointed for sure.


Lae said...

what about link exchange?

Confusion Say said...

Here's some that I got:

"blogging is like coffee"

"make friends and lose them" so quickly

"what the hell is headon?"

"i hate green beans" video

My friend "Lucky" had more funny ones than I did though... like "Hitler Crossdressing" He posted them on his Blog a while ago I think last Feb. or March.

Oh, and Hey at least it wasn't "Auntie Porn" they were looking for...

indian lucifer said...

welcome to the pricky world