Sunday, September 10, 2006

India, The Demise of a Dream

“We the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a sovereign, socialist, secular Democratic Republic and to secure to all its citizens: Justice, social, economic and political; Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; Equality of status and opportunity; and to promote among them fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and unity and integrity of the nation; in our constituent assembly this twenty-sixth day of November 1949, do hereby adopt, enact and give ourselves this constitution.”
Preamble to the Indian Constitution

We studied this preamble in detail in school, about what all the words meant and their social implication. I remember at the time it was a source of immense pride to me that our constitution, a hallowed Indian institution, set down such noble ideals for us to follow. I imagined that whatever happened to the country, these tenets would always protect us from straying too far from becoming the great nation we were destined to be.
Today, we have drifted far from the ideals set down in the preamble, far from a secular utopia that was envisioned, we are rapidly descending into the depths of chaos, toward a fundamentalist, theocracy.
We were born into the conflagration of post-independence partition, when the country was divided into two independent nations; India and Pakistan (east Pakistan later became Bangladesh) based on religion. Since then the flames of the religious divide have resisted all attempts to extinguish them. Now fed by the rise of religious extremism across the world, the flames are ready to bring us down burning.
Indian history, recalls how it was the British who built a religious divide in the country to serve their divide and rule colonial policy. The fundamentalist fervour exhibited in the country however leads me to suspect that this may not necessarily be the case. The seeds of fundamentalism are too deeply ingrained in our mentality for them to be the result of a century old policy; we are merely making scapegoats of them, blaming them for our bigotry.
Even if you do blame the British for starting the problem, it was the 60 years of inept political leadership that maintained the divide and introduced further fractures in Indian society. Caste or religion based politics, communalism and regionalism are time-honoured methods employed by Indian politicians to ensure their ascendancy to power. Our society is no longer divided only into Hindus and Muslims; Hindus are at odds with each other based on caste and community (to the same effect as the Shia-Sunni divide in Islamic nations). The whole nation is further separated based on other factors like language. Again, blaming politicians (almost a national pastime) achieves nothing; they merely recognised and played on our suspicion, fears and bigotry.
If any conclusions can be drawn on human instinct from Indian society, it would be that we inherently fear anything different or strange. We are threatened by anything we don’t understand and feel the need to protect ourselves at any cost; including that of violence. The most deep-seated partition in Indian society is that between Hinduism and Islam. Both communities share a strong sense of mistrust of each other, mainly because neither understands or has ever tried to understand the other. Sixty years of mistrust has resulted in the ghettoisation (?) of a majority of the Indian Muslim population. Ghettos only serve to further reduce interaction between the communities and increase tension.
The Hindu community is not much better off, a vast majority view Muslim Indians as outsiders who are not to be trusted.
A friend of mine in college illustrated this view when he commented on the (then) recent Godhra riots. He basically believed that the Muslims being a minority community should ‘behave’ themselves in India, which according to him is basically a Hindu country and that, the Hindu response was justified accordingly.
That is where I believe that we have failed our constitution. There is no point in paying lip service to grand ideals, while our populace has other beliefs. What we are doing in essence involves believing that there is nothing really wrong with the country till the whole damn situation blows up in our collective faces.
That’s what happened on Thursday, when three bombs went off in Muslim dominated neighbourhoods in a small town in Maharashtra. It was clearly the handiwork of Hindu extremists, in retaliation for the (11/7) bombing of local trains in Bombay. All this will achieve is to further alienate the minorities and exacerbate the situation.
There is a clear chain of related events leading up to Thursdays’ blasts, leading from Godhra. It does not take an idiot to foresee where this is going to lead us, more bombs and more violence is all I can see in our future.The only solution I can see is in educating our future generations better than we have been educated. Instead of teaching them how the British divided and ruled, we need to teach them on how our politicians are doing the same, how over the last sixty years extremism has claimed innumerable lives. Instead of instilling in them a sense of pride for living in an independent country, we need to teach them to be ashamed of living in a country where religion means more than humanity. Only then will they emerge, receptive to change and ready to build a nation from the ashes we hand over.


Confusion Say said...

Arggg...see this stuff makes me so mad...this is so High School to me. People make religion stand for something it's not...they make it unholy and corrupt it's beauty. I don't have a Religion....I was raised Catholic by my parents...and then somewhere down the line I realized that the Bible was written by some men....supposably who spoke with God. Well until God writes his own novel I cannot belive in something that has such silly rules and has such prehistoric views on women. So with that said I have created my own religion.

Then there is the whole "My religion is better than your religion" Shit...Seriously I don't think anyone should be pushing their religion on best friend is Hindu and we both respect that we have different views on God and religion and that is that and we're cool...but her Uncles are in the other room having a rabid discussion on what is right and what is wrong...which her and I both see as inferior and childish compared to how we have just delt with it. Anger, hate and violence is not what I feel God represents and two wrongs don't make a these "religious fanatics" are so lost, juvenile and archaic if you ask me. Can't we all just get along people.

I am very passionate about this topic if you couldn't tell...

Kartik said...

it's worse for me, you see i'm stuck right in the middle of all of this.
The news papers report almost daily about the confiscation of some arms haul, arrests of terror suspects, lynchings, riots, so on and so forth.
But it's not just religion, here we're fighting about almost everything, there are hundreds of separatist groups, guerillas, all armed and very very dangerous. Theres so much hate in the country right now, its surreal.

Confusion Say said...

How do so many people get weapons? It's not like I can go down to the local Walmart and buy a machine Gun. For God sake I can't even buy antihistamines with the fear I might be making Crystal Meth in my basement over here. Big weapons to create an arsenal just aren't assessable to the local public. You have to be a part of the mob or some international terror group to get those kinds of connections....and things like that seem to happen only once every decade here.

I am so very sorry for you that you have to deal with that kind of struggle on a daily seems like the government needs a stronger grip on these kinds of things. Our president may be a cheater and an idiot but I am glad we don't have people blowing up shit down the street and armed guerillas to worry about. We just have your rapist, serial killer, kidnapper, and psycho sniper on the highway ever now and again to worry about. Everyone here is just pissed about Iraq and how many innocent people are getting killed because of our presence there and the fact that the president is a screw up and how none of the reasons he gave for all of us to go to war seem to be coming out to be true.

Yeah and the fact that the gas prices went from like $1.99 to $3.00 isn't helping much either....they are talking about a possible recession because of that. So...yeah people pretty much just can't wait till his term is up and those who did vote for him are getting Darwin Awards this year.

Terra Shield said...

Racial and religious polarisation can be seen everywhere, and the strangest part of it all is, as the world becomes more and more borderless, the more mistrust and paranoia there is.

Confusion Say said...

Hey my Blog "Heysteveilikepizza" is MIA! Can you see it on your computer?, because all I see is a white screen with the blogger bar above it. Let me know. Thanks!

Kartik said...

confusion, i think you've gone and deleted most of your template, because if you right click on the page and "view source", the html text is incomplete. If you have the original template stored on your comp, you'd probably want to update the template text via the dashboard, or you could just select a new template.
Hope this works

Little Ogre said...

Me killing me ? No ! Me not stupid ! Me intelligent. Me want to live. Me slept a lot yesterday. Me hand is almost all red now.

Confusion Say said...

Yippee it's fixed!! I went into my template and everything was there so I had this idea that maybe if I hit republish blog something might happen...and it blog is back! Sorry I am getting a little carried away here....but I was really saddened by my blog loss yesterday.