Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A Short (boring) Update

Man it feels like an eternity since I last posted to my blog and although the fact weighs down on me all the time, for some reason I can find very little motivation to actually come online and type out a post. I think mainly this is because there's so much going on here that I find myself compelled to live my life rather than talk about it as I usually do.
I know I said I'd blog once I'd settled into my accomodation and gotten myself comfortable at the institute, unfortunately this doesn't happen easily for me. The place I'm staying at now is a paying guest accomodation organised by the institute itself, we have one rather small, badly lit room that currently holds four people. Although it was originally intended for three, it looks like it was designed for two, so you see why spending time in my room is not my idea of fun.
Since there are between 20 and 25 people staying in the same building all in the same institute, it allows for a lot of interaction between us outside the classroom. This was the main reason i chose to stay there rather than looking for a flat on my own, which would have possibly been a more comfortable proposition.
The institute itself itself is rather impressive, for one I have not been part of any place that emphasises on professionalism as much as they do, although this is more demanding than had they been lax in that department, it's kind of good since I was going to have to learn that sooner or later.
Bangalore itself is a big beautiful contradiction, much like most other large indian cities. Fuelled by all the IT and services industries that have settled here, it has grown into a cosmopolitan city but at the same time, it still has pockets of resistance to change, small villages that refuse to grow up, on the outskirts of town. Case and point is the area where I live, it is a village, although, there are the occasional spurts of modernisation here and there. Yet just a few kilometers from that is the International tech park Bangalore, (where my institute is situated), which looks like it was plucked out of another age and slammed into the middle of almost medieval india and on the roads, airconditioned public buses, compete for space with antiquated tractors.
Although the residents of bangalore would have very legitimate greviances against this uneven development, I find it quaint and it is very much part of my idea of what bangalore is as a city. Of course i have the same complaints against the irregular development of my own city, Delhi and no, I don't think it's quaint in the case of Delhi. In the case of Delhi I'd call it shortsightedness, so maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.

I know I'm being boring here and being a bad blogger buit I really cant think of too much else to say, mainly because I dont find myself time to think, which was my main fuel for my blog. Deprived of all privacy, without any time to think I find myself posting mainly about myself, something I didn't actually intend to do in the first place. So when inspiration does strike me, I'll make sure I blog about it.
Now I must go, because someone is insisting on peeking over my shoulder, and reading this (something that irritates me) and I find myself compelled to leave and give him a bit of a lecture on computer etiquette (ha!), anyway, till then, ciao.


Anonymous said...

Hey !! I know how u feel... sometimes you get so busy 'living' life that you just don't seem to have the time to 'talk' about it !! Going thru something like that myself !!

Anyhow... the first 'print' draft of C Blast came out today and it looks BEAUTIFUL !! Hoping to get it published soon !! Will keep u posted !!

Take care...

Terra Shield said...

Ah... your room reminds me of my old room back when I was in first year... 3 ppl in a room for 2.

I'm sure you'll get used to the conditions sooner or later!


Kartik said...

ainz, woah nice, Cblast is out? gimmiesome info man, blog about it preferably, i cant wait to get my hands on it!

terra, im not in the room long enough to worry about it much really, we have loong hours at work now!